Ultrein™ - 12 Ways to a Strong Immune System

ULTREINTM – THE ULTRA PROTEINTM – TO BUILD YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! Concerned with recent developments in health? Concerned with frequent colds and flu? Concerned with long term health issues like diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart or lung or kidney disease? If you are interested in better health, you probably want a strong immune system. Detox your body and rebuild your immune system with a simple daily drink. Decrease your risk for colds, flu, viruses, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Diabetes and more! UltreinTM builds a strong body and immune system in over 12 ways:
Ultrein™ to detox and rebuild the Immune System

Ultrein™ to detox and rebuild the Immune System Ultrein™ is a unique natural product in how it benefits the body! It is a special proprietary whey protein concentrate designed to provide nutrients essential for detoxifying the body and rebuilding the immune system. It is unique and unlike any other whey protein found in stores! Individuals with toxicity issues such as chemicals, molds, fragrances, pesticides, heavy metals and similar issues may obtain significant benefit from Ultrein™! In addition, Ultrein™ has the necessary nutrients to support a strong immune system. This can be beneficial for individuals that are considered "AT RISK” for common illnesses such as colds and flu, as well as more advanced illnesses such as Shingles, Diabetes and even Cancer. Ultrein™ affects the body in a very fundamental way that allows it to assist the body for a broad spectrum of health conditions! How does Ultrein™ aid the immune system? Ultrein™ boosts the immune system in several ways. First, Ultrein™ contains important immune factors. One immune factor is Lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is made by the body as a natural antibacterial! If supplies of lactoferrin are low, the body will have a difficult time fighting off bacterial infections. Supplementing Lactoferrin can be one way to rebuild the immune system. Lactoferrin has other benefits as well. For example it is important in supporting the manufacture of red blood cells by providing the necessary iron that makes them red and able to carry oxygen to the rest of the body. Secondly, Ultrein™ contains a broad spectrum of Immunoglobulins. These are immune factors that fight off a variety of infection types. Supplementing Immunoglobulins can be another way to help rebuild the immune system. The immune system also uses white blood cells to find, attack and destroy pathogens of all types. If the body is deficient in white blood cells, has weak white blood cells and/or has an imbalance of white blood cell types, it can have difficulty in safely fighting off infections. For example, white blood cells require high levels of an important substance called glutathione. Glutathione is one of the most important molecules in the body. If glutathione levels are low, white blood cells may be deficient in this important molecule. In fact, they may not even be able to multiply to proper levels to protect the body. Imagine the body attempting to fight off an illness without the important white blood cell. The effect is either frequent infections or severe illnesses. A person with weak, or insufficient, white blood cells is generally considered "at risk” for many serious illnesses. This is frequently the problem that occurs as we age of when we have other adverse health conditions. How does Ultrein™ Detoxify the body? Detoxification of the body occurs constantly. Every cell of the body has the ability to detoxify itself. On the cellular level this detoxification is limited to internal supplies of important nutrients. Detoxification of the body can also occur from specialized systems and organs within the body. The most important of these is the liver. The liver contains many resources and pathways to use to detoxify the body. Science has found that the most important detoxification pathway in cells and the liver appears to be via glutathione! Everyone seems to know that antioxidants are important for detoxification. Unfortunately, most people do not realize that the most important antioxidant in the body is the Master Antioxidant called glutathione! If glutathione levels are low, the body cannot effectively detox itself from essential internal conditions such as metabolism and cellular death or damage. If glutathione levels are low, the body cannot sufficiently detoxify itself from external factors such as alcohol consumption, chemicals, fragrances, pesticides, mercury and even medications like Tylenol or antibiotics! Sadly, eating glutathione does not provide sufficient glutathione. Glutathione is typically manufactured in the body from dietary nutrients found in raw meat, raw milk and other raw protein sources. These nutrients are not found in high levels in vegetable sources. In addition, these nutrients are damaged when cooked or processed. Ultrein™ solves this problem by supplying all of the natural nutrients necessary for the body to manufacture glutathione as necessary. The body tries to constantly make glutathione as needed. It cannot make glutathione efficiently if there are insufficient reserves of the nutrients necessary for this production of glutathione. It would seem that providing the necessary nutrients would be the most efficient way to allow the body to build glutathione as needed. It can then have sufficient levels to provide effective detoxification of the body when necessary. Ultrein™ has the highest levels of bioavailable glutathione precursors and therefore it can be effective in helping the body to properly detoxify. How else can Ultrein™ help the body stay healthy? Ultrein™ contains important protein amino acids that can be utilized to maintain and rebuild the body. Science has discovered that the human body cannot manufacture nine amino acids called "essential amino acids”. These amino acids, when properly ingested, can be used by the body to manufacture all other proteins within the body. Imagine if a person is deficient in one or more of these essential proteins. It may not be able to build more muscle, repair damaged skin, maintain an effective nervous system or maintain a healthy heart. Ultrein™ contains all nine of these essential amino acids as well as all other important amino acids needed to build a body from scratch. In our opinion, today our diets consist primarily of damaged foods with poor nutrition. Plants are grown in soils lacking in important nutrients and grown with toxic pesticides or incomplete synthetic fertilizers. Animals are fed less than natural diets, frequently with GMO's, pesticides and steroids. Vegetables are frequently GMO’s, picked green and shipped long distances to markets. Animals are raised in confined conditions. Important nutrients are damaged when cooked or processed. Unfortunately we eat this way out of both "convenience", as well as "safety” in order to avoid pathogens that may be found on some fresh foods due to mass processing. Ultrein™ is specially processed to avoid damage to important nutrients from milk. This milk is as close to being organic as possible. There are no additives, fillers, flavorings, GMO’s, pesticides, steroids, antibiotics or other unnecessary ingredients anywhere in the production of Ultrein™. Imagine a fetus or infant (of any mammal) attempting to grow and develop without important amino acids, immune factors and glutathione precursors found in fresh, raw human milk! Consider that adults, with our poor modern diets, also may need these nutrients as well! Ultrein™ is as close as naturally possible to raw human milk in how it provides these important beneficial nutrients! Consider that Ultrein™ may be a great way to get the necessary nutrients to help our immune system, detoxify and heal our body! Useful Quick Links Ultrein – For a healthy life!TM Unique Natural Whey Protein Concentrate with all Essential Proteins plus Important Immune Factors Whole House Fresh Air Filtration Machine Kills odors, mold, bacteria and viruses on surfaces and in the air Laundry Maximizer Treats water to remove dirt from clothes, while killing pathogens without soap or hot water Alkaline Water Machine Removes harmful chemicals from drinking water while creating refreshing healthy drinking water
Ultrein and Chemotherapy for Cancer

UltreinTM Can Complement Medical Cancer Treatments ASI Health & Wellness has learned a lot about the body, including cancer. Cancer occurs for many reasons, but basically it is because the body is out of balance. It could be from any number of directions. It could be from nutrition, environment, stress and/or exercise and it is ultimately related to our genetic disposition for those factors. Aging is another factor as it affects how our body reacts to those other factors. ASI Health & Wellness has discovered (along with many people and medical experts) that our modern diet is nutritionally deficient, especially in components that benefit the immune system. To that end ASI Health & Wellness has developed a product to assist in rebuilding the immune system. It is derived from milk before the milk gets damaged by ultra strong pasteurization and homogenization. Then, unnecessary components are removed to provide a product with nutrition that is most beneficial to humans. The result is similar to raw human milk in that it contains immune factors, immune boosting factors and essential proteins that can assist the body in rebalancing and supporting the immune system. This product is called Ultrein. It is an essential part of a diet and helps keep individuals healthy from most colds, flu and other health issues. Ultein is safe for just about anyone, from infants to aging adults. How it affects the body is studied by medical science for how the undamaged proteins and immune factors boosts the immune system, aging and a host of other health related conditions. Experience of Ultrein with cancer includes breast cancer, skin cancer and others. However, it has helped with many other health related issues, with many people, because of how it affects the immune system and metabolism. There is a lot to share on how Ultrein can benefit the immune system and rebalance the body.However, to be more specific it will be described herein with chemotherapy. Chemo is a toxin that attempts to target cancer. It does this typically by attaching a toxin to a sugar. Cancer likes sugar and aggressively devours sugars.(For that reason it is recommend to eat very few, if any, sugars and simple carbohydrates if an individual has cancer.) However, other cells in the body can typically metabolize toxic chemo also, resulting in a weakened body and immune system. The results are the horrible "side effects” of chemo. These side effects can not only include a weakened immune system resulting in susceptibility to other illnesses, but also include weight loss, nausea, hair loss, open sores, inability to tolerate foods, severe fatigue and a host of other symptoms as the body deteriorates from the action of the chemo. Ultrein can complement chemotherapy by providing a full spectrum of easily absorbed protein nutrition to maintain the body. In addition, it provides the immune factors that can assist in maintaining the immune system so the body can properly assist the chemo in destroying the cancer. It is the destruction of the immune system and other cells in that body that is partially responsible for the side effects of chemo. By helping to properly maintain the body Ultrein can help to reduce these serious "side effects” and destruction of the immune system, thus potentially effecting faster healing and recovery. It is a WIN-WIN proposition. As part of a typical diet, doctors should have little issue with Ultrein. There are many clinical trials that support important dietary changes. In fact, they frequently recommend processed (damaged) proteins as part of the diet, but many include high concentrations of unwanted cancer eating sugars or may be less tolerable due to added ingredients. Herein provided is additional information on the nutritional aspects of Ultrein in case there is any question about it. Whether you decide to add Ultrein to your diet is up to you. It is felt and suggest it is worth the potential synergistic benefits. There are other dietary recommendations if you have interest, like a more Ketogenic type diet. If you have any questions about Ultrein, diet, medical treatments, or other information, ASI Health & Wellness would be glad to share what has been learned through research and experience.Please feel free to contact us at any time.Of course, a person could just go out and get a cow to obtain fresh raw milk to drink, but Ultrein is a little safer, convenient and specially concentrated for effectiveness!
Robert F Kennedy Jr. on Vaccines

Robert F Kennedy Jr, in Berlin on 28 August 2020, shares his research and information about vaccines at the ACU2020 world conference. At ASI Health and wellness we believe it is a personal decision whether to take vaccines or not. We believe that individuals should not be forced to use vaccines. Rather individuals should be provided sufficient information on the benefits and hazards to make an informed decision. It is also our opinion that the human immune system is the most proactive to individual health when allowed to work on it's own. Humans have thrived and developed over millions of years without intervention from our modern medicine. The important issue in our opinion is that it is imperative to maintain a healthy immune system. To that end we have developed natural products to assist humanity in developing healthy lives. While there may be times when intervention from medical science may be useful, it is felt that our biggest threats come from poor nutrition, a toxic environment, stress, over use of medications and a host of other concerns that weaken our immune system and ability to thrive. Vaccines may provide an even more insidious threat than the sabotage of our immune system. Listen and consider JFK Jr.'s thoughts about vaccines and the threats they and related concerns may impose on humanity. To quote Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:"The pharmaceutical industry has captured our media and have subverted humanity’s basic human rights. This is a Totalitarian State Control. Gate’s, Fauci, their "Biosecurity Agenda”, a fear-driven agenda, has easily implemented the most pervasive and all-encompassing power, under Totalitarian State Control. It gives them the power to impose obedience on populations never imagined before, in history. 5G has implemented because it allows big data companies to harvest our data. To listen to our conversations. To subject it to analytics and to monetize it.” ***** UltreinTM- A natural alternative for optimal wellness!TM
COVID-19 (Corona Virus) PANDEMIC

COVID-19 PANDEMIC In these uncertain times it is important to maintain perspective. The COVID-19 PANDEMIC has created a lot of fear and panic. This can be counterproductive for health as fear can actually diminish the immune response. In addition, if the immune system is supported effectively with nutrition it can reduce the infusion of fear and the body can be even more effective in fighting illnesses like the COVID-19 coronavirus. PLEASE PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AND MAINTAINING GOOD HYGENE FOR YOURSELF AND TO REDUCE THE CHANCES OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS SPREADING! ASI Health & Wellness is open to support you, your families and friends with products and servicesto help you stay safe and maintain a strong immune system. A few of the products that may be important in this time of crisis include: ULTREINTM UltreinTMprovides many important nutritional components that can assist in defeating a pathogen like the COVID-19 virus. A few are LACTOFERRIN, IMMUNOGLOBULINS, GLUTATHIONE PRECURSORS AND ALL ESSENTIAL PROTEINS! ESSENTIAL/SUPER ANTI-VIRAL This is a homeopathic remedy that has been effective in helping avoid getting viral infections when used prophylacticly, reducing the symptoms of an infection and speeding the recovery from an infection. ESSENTIAL/SUPER IMMUNE-BOOST This is an herbal remedy that has been effective in helping avoid getting viral, bacterial and fungal infections when used prophylacticly, reducing the symptoms of an infection and speeding the recovery from an infection. FRESH AIR FILTRATION MACHINE This air filter and treatment machine not only removes dust and small particles from the air, it also kills germs and viruses in the air and on surfaces around the home using a proven NASA developed Space Age Technology! It has been proven in testing to kill SARS and MRSA related viruses and other pathogens! PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS.USE OF THESE PRODUCTS MAY HELP YOU AVOID CONTRACTING AN INFECTION, MAY HELP TO REDUCE THE SYMPTOMS AND DURATION OF AN INFECTION AND MAY HELP REDUCE THE SPREAD OF INFECTION TO OTHERS! WE AT ASI HEALTH & WELLNESS HOPE AND PRAY FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL. PLEASE PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING AND EFFECTIVE HYGENE! Our goal is simply to be in sync with Nature…TM Thanks for helping! Want to help spread the word? We are looking for enthusiastic Affiliates and Distributors! ASI Health & Wellness www.ASIHW.com 281-461-7007 NOTE: These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They have not been evaluated to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness in any large approved study. As such, while the effectiveness of these products is based upon small scientific studies and/or historical usage, any claims must be considered to be anecdotal. Therefore, each product should be individually evaluated for effectiveness for any given situation.
Ultrein™ as a Glutathione Supplement

Ultrein™ provides all three essential glutathione precursors in their natural form. Because of this it can be used as an optimal natural glutathione supplement. It does not however contain glutathione itself. This is an important distinction.
Ultrein™ vs. Other Whey Proteins

What is the difference between Ultrein™ and low cost store whey protein supplements? When the labels are compared they generally look the same from a nutritional point of view. THE SIMPLE ANSWER:
Cancer and Glutathione
CANCER AND GLUTATHIONE ABSTRACT: In spite of the enormous efforts of the medical community cancer is of growing concern. One out of three individuals today will be afflicted with cancer in their lifetime. It has long been known that cancer is related to genetics as well as
ASIHW Customer Testimonials

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Doctors and Glutathione

DOCTORS AND GLUTATHIONE Most doctors know about the importance of antioxidants. Yet few practicing doctors understand the importance and relationship of glutathione for the body. Doctors are trained in a vast body of knowledge that is excellent in diagnosing and treating chronic and acute conditions, especially as it relates to modern medications. Many doctors are specialized in their areas
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