Robert F Kennedy Jr. on Vaccines

Robert F Kennedy Jr, in Berlin on 28 August 2020, shares his research and information about vaccines at the ACU2020 world conference. At ASI Health and wellness we believe it is a personal decision whether to take vaccines or not. We believe that individuals should not be forced to use vaccines. Rather individuals should be provided sufficient information on the benefits and hazards to make an informed decision. It is also our opinion that the human immune system is the most proactive to individual health when allowed to work on it's own. Humans have thrived and developed over millions of years without intervention from our modern medicine. The important issue in our opinion is that it is imperative to maintain a healthy immune system. To that end we have developed natural products to assist humanity in developing healthy lives. While there may be times when intervention from medical science may be useful, it is felt that our biggest threats come from poor nutrition, a toxic environment, stress, over use of medications and a host of other concerns that weaken our immune system and ability to thrive. Vaccines may provide an even more insidious threat than the sabotage of our immune system. Listen and consider JFK Jr.'s thoughts about vaccines and the threats they and related concerns may impose on humanity. To quote Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:"The pharmaceutical industry has captured our media and have subverted humanity’s basic human rights. This is a Totalitarian State Control. Gate’s, Fauci, their "Biosecurity Agenda”, a fear-driven agenda, has easily implemented the most pervasive and all-encompassing power, under Totalitarian State Control. It gives them the power to impose obedience on populations never imagined before, in history. 5G has implemented because it allows big data companies to harvest our data. To listen to our conversations. To subject it to analytics and to monetize it.” ***** UltreinTM- A natural alternative for optimal wellness!TM
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