Super Antiviral


  • product code: GYHUZ0
  • product type: physically shipped
  • product availability: 10

Homeopathic liquid to reduce symptoms of most viral related infections. Great to reduce symptoms of the flu, cold sores and other viral infections. Take at the first sign of symptoms for fast relief.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness except as may be directed by your health care professional.

Quantity: 1 oz Liquid

Ingredients: Ars Alb 12x, Echin 3x, Gel 12x, Nux V 12x, Lyc 12x, Bell 12x, Pyro 30x, Rhus Tox 30x, Eup-Per 12x, Bapt 3x, Astrag 3x, Phos 12x, Phos Ac 12x

Suggested Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily

Contraindications: No known contraindications.

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Homeopathic liquid to reduce symptoms of most viral related infections. Great to reduce symptoms of the flu, cold sores and other viral infections. Take at the first sign of symptoms for fast relief.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness except as may be directed by your health care professional.


Quantity: 1 oz Liquid

Ingredients: Ars Alb 12x, Echin 3x, Gel 12x, Nux V 12x, Lyc 12x, Bell 12x, Pyro 30x, Rhus Tox 30x, Eup-Per 12x, Bapt 3x, Astrag 3x, Phos 12x, Phos Ac 12x


Suggested Dosage: 10 drops 3 times daily

Contraindications: No known contraindications.

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